This page is for the students who are enrolled in the Laboratory of Digital Culture for Linguistic and Literary Studies (6 credits/CFU for the CdL Lingue, letterature e studi interculturali (L-11), Università degli Studi di Firenze.

Lecturer: Paola Zamperlin

Academic Year:  2015-2016 (students belonging to “A-L” group)

The course is held (in Italian) in the first semester, with the following schedule:

Wednesday, 17.00-19.00, Aula/Room 10, via Laura 48 – until 21 October. From November Aula/Room 11.

Thursday, 17.00-19.00, Aula/Room 4, via Santa Reparata.

The course will start on 1 October and will conclude on 9 December.  There will be no classes from 28 October to 11 November (included).

The students belonging to the “M-Z” group will have to enroll in the course held in the second semester by Arianna Antonielli ( and they will have to register by the end of the first semester.

Officer hours: by appointment at the LabGEO (Laboratorio di Geografia Applicata), Aula/Classroom 6, first floor, SAGAS Dpt.  via S.Gallo, 10.

Exams Calendar

Please note that students can attend the oral exam only after having submitted all the exercises within the final deadline of 30 December 2015, by following the instructions reported on Moodle.

The exams will take place at the LabGEO (Laboratorio di Geografia Applicata), Aula/Classroom 6, first floor, SAGAS Dpt.  via S.Gallo, 10.

You can contact me:

– via e-mail:

– in person: Laboratorio di Geografia applicata, A6, via San Gallo 10

Moodle – UniFi (it is necessary to have obtained your own UniFi student number (“matricola”) and the password).