AIIG is The Italian Association of Geography Teachers

The Italian Association of Geography Teachers (Associazione Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia [AII]) has been founded in Padua on 22 April 1954.

It is chaired by Gino de Vecchis, onorary professor of Geography at the Department of Human Geography of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
It has Sections in all the Italian Regions and in almost all the Provinces: it is constituted in Regional Sections which can self-organize themselves in sections at the province, inert-province and city levels.
It is an institution which is qualified for the training of school staff and is accredited at the MIUR Ministry (degree: D. M. 27.02.2003).
It is a Society for the territory’s culture, it is member of the European Standing Conference of Geography Teachers, and it is an environmental protection association.

AIIG Tuscany Section

headquarters: c/o Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento SAGAS, Via San Gallo 10, 50129 Firenze
Codice fiscale: 80043350489
Contact: tel. 055/2757962, e-mail:, pec:

President: Professor Margherita Azzari
Segretary: Dott. Camillo Berti
Treasurer: Dott. ssa Paola Zamperlin
Coordinator for university teaching: Professor Laura Cassi
Coordinator for school teaching: Dott. Fulvio Landi
Coordinator with the Regional School Office: Dott.ssa Laura Stanganini

How to join AIIG

To join, simply pay the membership fee (which include the magazine) at the relevant Sections or make a wire payment to the account (“conto corrente postale”) . 10272508, IBAN IT41 S076 0102 8000 0001 0272 508, addressed to “AIIG – sezione Toscana”

euro 35 for full members
euro 15 for junior members and students
euro 15 for family members

Joining the Association allows to:
- receive at no additional cost the magazine "Ambiente Società Territorio - Geografia nelle scuole" and other didactic material developed by AIIG for its members.
- participate in national and regional and local conferences;
- participate in training programmes and refresher courses;
- attend conferences and other events;
- participate in educational trips in Italy and abroad;
- elect the governing bodies at the national, regional and provincial assemblies, by directly participating in the management of the AIIG.
Eligibility requirements for joining the Association
- teachers of all types and levels of school and university professors;
- schools and organizations with geographic purposes or interests;
- scholars of geographical disciplines;
- family members who intend to participate in events promoted by the Association, without receiving the magazine;
- young university students not engaged in professional activity.

Please note that the the training initiatives for teachers, accredited on the SOFIA national platform, can also be used through the “Carta del Docente”, with amounts which also include membership fee, by issuing a voucher in the section "Formazione e aggiornamento" > "Enti accreditati e qualificati ai sensi della direttiva 170/2006".

“Geographical education provides students with essential capabilities and competences needed to know and  understand the world. Responsible and effective uses of geographical information are vital for the future of  Europe. Therefore, all European citizens need to understand how to deal with it. Geographical education  provides them with the knowledge and skills to do this. For example, an appropriate use of geospatial data  and technologies is necessary to help analyse and address problems related to water, climate, energy,  sustainable development, natural hazards, globalisation and urban growth.

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