From the mountain to the sea: transhumance landscape in Maremma
In collaboration with: Provincia di Grosseto, Servizio alle Imprese Agricole, Promozione e Marketing Cooperazione europea e internazionale dell’Area di Sviluppo Rurale
PI: Professor Margherita Azzari
Researcher: Dott. Fulvio Landi
A historico-geographical study on historical landscapes in the Tuscan Maremma via the 3D-reconstruction of selected ancient transhumance routes.
Cartographies, historical and photographic documents, agroforestry and farming practices, rural communities’ tradition have been utilized towards the realization of knowledge-management tool to increase awareness within the territory of its own specificity and the economic potential of the landscape with respect of production.
The ancient routes represent the red thread which further allows to promote the territory’s excellences, its traditions as well as its touristic and cultural values. The proposed services has enabled the implementation of a series of informative cartographic layers on the analysed routes, the generation and peopling of three virtual environments related to each of the areas identified and a series of renders which can correctly illustrate the virtual reconstruction developed.